For the past four months we have been preparing to purchase a building for our African headquarters in Jos, Nigeria. The building we have rented for the last eight years is up for sale. It seems perfect for our needs. For well under $300,000 we get storage for 250,000 + books, offices for about 12 staff, a retail shop, a wholesale showroom, four apartments, a large classroom, a single family - four bedroom apartment, significant parking space and more. 27 people work here and up to 16 or so call the place home. We have seen millions of books and Bibles go out from this facility over the past years. Moving all this would be a huge task and we are comfortable and settled where we are at.
Asking God to show us the way, things seemed set. Our landlord agreed to sell to us, but things are not what they seemed. He is very sick, and verbal commitments have come and gone several times. There were more delays that we did not really understand. And our lease is running out, we need someplace to go.
On the other hand, a commitment of $300,000 has me worried - really concerned. Do we really have the money? Can our cash flow take the hit, how are we to find money to buy the books Africa needs if we spend this much on a building? Is this wisdom talking or just my lack of faith?
We are ready to buy, would have bought by now, but our landlord is delaying again.
Across town, we have heard about a property owned by a devout Nigerian Christian that he may be willing to sell. The location is better for our needs, the building can handle more business than we can now, and the land will allow for almost unlimited expansion. Our current place is full to overflowing, all the space well used. This property is half the price. That means more money to buy books that Africa desperately needs and this price seems much more prudent to me.
I do not know what God is doing, but it seems he may have had a purpose in all this waiting. Maybe he is overruling our perfect choice for something better. Four months of praying and waiting could be over soon. We will see what building God gives. We are looking for his best, not our choice. It has not been an easy road, but in the process our faith is being built. When we come out the other side, I am working on believing that God will use the wait, the frustration, and the building will be for our best.
For more on the Oasis building project visit the Oasis blog.
Blog with B
My sister-in-law Bethany, Auntie Bee, is visiting and also reading FEEL. So I thought I would lay down my virtual pen and paper and let her have a go. Beside, you hear enough from me already! Enjoy.
I have just been informed by my niece that she is going to use my arm as a pillow while my nephew is trying to con a dollar bill off of me to do a magic trick. What is it like to spend the weekend at an author's house? It might come as a surprise to you that we spend more time fending off the mosquitoes from our outdoor waffle breakfast than we did analyzing each others emotions. However this is not to say that there isn't plenty of glee and gloom. With three kids in the house, emotions run the gantlet. Luckily this is my second reading of Feel and I know that God is pleased with how He created us in all our expressions!
Have you ever made it halfway through a book and known that you already wanted to read it again? This book is hard work. An easy read does not mean an easy application. It takes courage to look at how you have been relating to your heart vs your head and make healthy changes. Its is too easy to skim through the main points without allowing the depth of meaning to penetrate how you live. I want to see the deeper truth that grounds the waving red flag of my emotion. I want to be thankful that God has given me spontaneity and outbursts so that what is really going on under the surface of my smiles can point me closer to Him.
Let's get the word out that emotions are a gift! My niece just got a self inflating balloon for her birthday and after 20 minutes of intense hot potato, its leaking. There is a certain maturity that is needed to care for the gifts we are given. We can use or abuse gifts but they are still given as gifts. I know that God is still working on my maturity in my range of emotions but I am thankful for the permission FEEL gives me to be wholehearted in the life God has given me.
Posted by Matthew Elliott in Emotions, Feel/Faithful Feelings, Questions and Comments | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)