Many years ago while hanging out with friends I met a very interesting Christian. He told me he had the spiritual gift of understanding fear. My immediate reaction was to ask about the other super powers he had, but I held my tongue and asked him to describe this gift. He explained that he had the ability to sense things that were dangerous and should be feared or avoided in the Christian’s life.
“Very unique gift”, I stated.
I could have ignored this whole interaction, yet I pursued and explained that I had not heard of anyone else with this gift. He proclaimed that it was real and attempted to describe how the spiritual power worked.
God used this unusual interaction to spur me on to study the gifts in the church. Although there is no exhaustive or complete listing of gifts in the Bible, I poured over the scripture and read scholars on the subject, and became aware of many exciting and powerful things God gifts His people with.
One of the more powerful examples of gifts comes from 2 Timothy 1:7 which states that God did not give a spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and good judgment. The Bible provides many examples of Christ filling people with abilities that go beyond themselves, thank God he does. These gifts are particularly comforting and empowering during trying times like Timothy was in, and we are currently experiencing.
What I especially like about this passage is that Paul describes three distinct things God’s Spirit provides for the Christian:
1. The Spirit provides us with power. This power helps us overcome obstacles from our broken world, our sinful tendencies and our enemy.
2. The Spirit provides the ability to emotionally connect with others, described as love. Although love can be faked - and can be robotic - I believe this passage reminds us that God’s emotive connections are fresh and charged by the power of the Holy Spirit. How else can someone love and even die for people who hate him – as Jesus did?
3. The Spirit provides sound judgment, or the ability to calmly reason through a problem. God has provided us with the ability to think clearly despite confusion and chaos found in our world.
Although I still wonder about the special gift described by my spirited friend, I know that God does empower us to do great things. I have also realized that if God can make a donkey talk why not provide a special spiritual gift just for us, to meet a particular need at a particular time.
What do you think?
Emotions and Feelings
Mike asks a great question this week: “When I reached the 7th blog in your book I was shocked to read the part that says that emotions and feelings are different. When I read through the chapter I see your point and I agree that they differ but there are some things in which I cannot pin point the whether they are feelings or emotions, I am really confused when it comes to this matter. Things like love, I know that love has a feeling and it has an emotion. There are times where we feel loved and when it is really love and I can’t really see when they differ. Things like laughter, is laughter the emotion or simply the feeling we get from being joyful?”
Wow, that is a lot to think about, Mike. My major point is that emotions are about our thoughts, our minds, our thinking process. They are not based or centered in our body or nerves as many early psychologists taught. See Faithful Feelings for a review of the history of this. If emotions were based in our body, we could never know the difference between being sick because of the flu and being sick out of being nervous – for example. The attachment to thinking is what makes the nervous emotional.
We could also look at it like the classic question, “What came first, the chicken or the egg.” We affirm, the thinking – conscious or unconscious - came first. Anything else is logically impossible – again see Faithful Feelings. Feelings, in a strict sense, is what we feel in our bodies and these come after the emotion, are caused by the emotion. So we laugh at something because we THINK it is funny, we feel butterflies because we THINK something or someone is lovable. Emotions produce physical feelings in out bodies much of the time – sometimes they do not but most of the time they do. Yes, sometimes you need to think, “hmm, do I have this stomach thing because of that extra piece of cheesecake or because I am about the propose to my girl?” If we think about it a bit and give it some time, usually we can figure that out without too much trouble.
Hope that helps Mike, keep pondering these things so you can become emotional mature!
Posted by Matthew Elliott in Emotions, Feel/Faithful Feelings, Questions and Comments | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)